Local Responses to Migrants with Precarious Status: A Comparative Report on Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe
This report presents comparative findings and analysis from research on access to services for migrants with a precarious status in three European cities: Cardiff, in Wales; Frankfurt, in Germany; and Vienna, in Austria. It is the concluding report of the 18-month project “Local Responses to Precarious Migrants: Frames, Strategies and Evolving Practices in Europe (LoReMi)” in 2021-2022.
The project aimed to investigate how local authorities provide access to municipal services for migrants whose immigration or residence status is pending or precarious and, in that context, to explore their cooperation with public and civil society organisations. It included a particular focus on issues relating to women. The research set out to consider how each local authority frames its approaches in the context of the authority’s overall framing of its mission; and to look at the actual policies and practices in place regarding key service sectors such as health, education and accommodation. In addition, the study considered the legal, political and practical barriers to inclusion of this section of the local population; and the forms of communication, cooperation and co-responsibility within the authority, as with its external partners on this issue.
You can access the report here.