Delvino, N. (2019). Safe reporting of crime for victims and witnesses with irregular migration status in the United States.

Citation:  Delvino, N. (2019). ‘Safe reporting of crime for victims and witnesses with irregular migration status in the United States.’ COMPAS: Oxford

Abstract/Description: This report describes measures allowing safe reporting of crime by irregular migrants in the United States. It covers measures adopted by US federal authorities, as well by local governments, focusing in particular on initiatives adopted in the cities of New York and San Francisco. It describes the functioning of safe reporting practices, as well as the legal and political conditions that make safe reporting practices possible in the United States, both at national and local levels. It thus aims to spell out the elements required for a broad assessment of the replicability in other national contexts of certain practices adopted in the USA. This study was conducted in the framework of a project by the University of Oxford’s Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) exploring law, policy and practice surrounding ‘safe reporting’ of crime for victims and witnesses with irregular status in the United States and Europe (hereafter “the ‘safe reporting’ project”). In parallel to this report, studies on safe reporting of crime for irregular migrants have been conducted in four European countries (Belgium, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands). The project ultimately aims to: provide authoritative evidence on and analysis of policies and best-practices enabling and encouraging ‘safe reporting’ in Europe and the USA; assess the legal and political replicability of practices and policies across different countries; and


This publication is available here.


This is NOT a C-MISE publication: this website hosts links to external publications and resources selected by the C-MISE team on the basis of their relevance for city authorities interested in service provision to migrants with irregular status, and are only presented here as suggested readings. External publications are the product of the authors there mentioned, and are not in any way the product of the C-MISE initiative, nor are they related or endorsed by the C-MISE initiative.