Spencer, S. & Triandafyllidou, A. (2020). (Eds). Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe: Evolving Conceptual and Policy Challenges.


Citation: Spencer, S. & Triandafyllidou, A. (2020). (Eds). Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe: Evolving Conceptual and Policy Challenges. Springer.  https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030343231


Abstract/Description: This open access book explores the conceptual challenges posed by the presence of migrants with irregular immigration status in Europe and the evolving policy responses at European, national and municipal level. It addresses the conceptual and policy issues raised, post-entry, by this particular section of the migrant population.  Drawing on evidence from different parts of Europe, the book takes the reader through philosophical and ethical dilemmas, legal and sociological analysis to questions of public policy and governance before addressing the concrete ways in which those questions are posed in current policy agendas from the international to the local level. As such this book is a valuable read to researchers, practitioners and policy makers as well as to students working on irregular migration in Europe in a comparative and/or country based perspective.


This publication is available here.


This is NOT a C-MISE publication: this website hosts links to external publications and resources selected by the C-MISE team on the basis of their relevance for city authorities interested in service provision to migrants with irregular status, and are only presented here as suggested readings. External publications are the product of the authors there mentioned, and are not in any way the product of the C-MISE initiative, nor are they related or endorsed by the C-MISE initiative.